Boasting more strip clubs per capita than any other major U.S. city, Portland, Oregon serves as the backdrop of this exploratory documentary on the world of adult entertainment. Strippers in this, “weird” metropolis possess unparalleled athleticism, camaraderie, and the freedom to be themselves; the devotion of their customers is similarly unmatched. Through interviews with strippers, regulars, and industry experts, viewers are invited to leave their preconceived notions at the door and take a closer look at what it takes to succeed in a widely misunderstood industry.
When and where
June 12, 2024 - Industry-only screening at Cinema 21 in Portland, OR
September 12, 2024- Public showing at Cinema 21 in Portland, OR
After the September 12th showing, production staff will be hard at work getting the film into more festivals and ultimately distribution. We will update this site, affiliate socials, and film participants as that information becomes available.